Laws and Regulations (South Dakota State Historical Society)

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Laws and Regulations


South Dakota State Historical Society

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Over the last 30 years, many laes have been passed at the federal and state levels protecting historical and archaeological resources. These laws include SDCL 1-20 (S.D. Codified Laws, Title 1, Chapter 20) is entitled "Archaeological Exploration". It established the position and duties of the state archaeologist. ARSD 24:52 (Administrative Rules of S.D., Chapter 24, Section 52) provides regulations for the operation of the S.D. State Historical Society, the Archaeological Research Center's parent agency. SDCL 34-27 is the state burial law. While it has been superceded to some extent by NAGPRA, it provides procedures by which the discovery and treatment of human remains will be handled. Public Law 101-601 is the U.S. Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990, with amendments.


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