Deep Time Dreaming: Uncovering Ancient Austraila

Bibliographic Information


Deep Time Dreaming: Uncovering Ancient Austraila


Billy Griffiths

Year of Publication


Publisher Name

Black Inc.

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Book description:

Deep Time Dreaming charts the development of the modern discipline of archaeology over the past 60 years, discussing the shifting cultural and political climate in which the discipline emerged.  It is about the enmeshment of Australian archaeology with Aboriginal political struggle and the emergence of new ways of seeing and understanding the Australian landscape.  The book focuses on the pioneering efforts of a number of significant Australian archaeologists, including John Mulvaney, Rhys Jones, Isabel McBryde, Betty Meehan, Harry Lourandos and Carmel Schire. It highlights the role that archaeologists and Aboriginal leaders have played in establishing heritage legislation to protect, preserve and enrich places of cultural and natural significance, often against great resistance and with profound political consequences. It also touches on some of the intellectual currents that have shaped the discipline.  The aim of this book is to introduce archaeological ideas, debates and methodologies to non-specialist audiences and to build bridges between the disciplines of history and archaeology, as John Mulvaney did throughout his life. 


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