Ethics and Research Design in Anthropology

Bibliographic Information

Course Title

Ethics and Research Design in Anthropology


William Balco

Semester or Date Taught

Spring 2015

Additional Information

Course Number

Anthropology 450/550

Course Level

Course Description

This course is intended to provide graduate students and advanced majors in anthropology with an introduction to basic practices related to anthropological research skills and ethics. The format will involve lecture and seminar arrangements. Substantial portions of the class are intended for group discussion of various topics and for the presentation of student reports. This course will first address several aspects of professional behavior in a university setting, in the field, and in the private sector. We will then discuss and review peer performance in anthropology including book reviews, grant proposals, and oral presentations. A two week segment of the course will be devoted to a discussion of current and significant issues in anthropology, emphasizing important interpretative frameworks such as models, systems, and structures. In essence this course will: 1. Introduce how anthropologists do what they do; 2. Provide a means for students to begin to resolve a research topic and to determine the basic research strategies necessary to complete research, and; 3. Provide students with a good sense of what makes a successful anthropologist and how to find a job in the field.

Syllabus Available



This syllabus was provided to us by Professor William Balco, who is now teaching at the University of North Georgia in the Department of History, Anthropology, and Philosophy. Please feel free to contact him for a copy of the syllabus or any further information.

Additional tags: anthropological ethics; professionalism; ethical dilemmas; ethical debates; research process; professional development in anthropology


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