Bibliographic Information
Codes and Standards
Register of Professional Archaeologists
Web Address (URL)
Additional Information
Web page
The RPA provides a Code of Conduct and Standards of Research Performance for research archaeologists. The Code of Conduct is organized into three sections: The Archaeologists Responsibility to the Public; the Archaeologists Responsibility to Colleagues, Employees, and Students; and the Archaeologist's Responsibility to Employers and Clients. The Standards of Research Performance are organized into the following seven sections: 1) Adequate Preparation for Research Projects; 2) Integrity of Research Methodology; 3) Procedures for Field Survey or Excavation; 4) Maintaining Continuity of Records; 5) Specimen and Research Record Storage; and 6) Appropriate Dissemination of Research. Many state and national societies adhere to the RPA Codes and Standards (see website for list).
The RPA Bylaws, Code of Conduct, and Standards are available to download as a PDF format.
RPA Codes & Standards
- Adequate Preparation for Research Projects
- Appropriate Dissemination of Research
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to Colleagues, Employees, and Students
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to Employers and Clients
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to the Public
- Integrity of Research Methodology
- Maintaining Continuity of Records
- Procedures for Field Survey or Excavation
- Specimen and Research Record Storage
CIfA Codes
- Principle 1: Adherence to ethical and responsible behaviour in archaeological affairs
- Principle 2: Responsibility for the conservation of the historic environment
- Principle 3: Responsibility for acquiring and recording reliable information of the past in archaeological research
- Principle 4: Responsibility for the availability of archaeological results within reasonable dispatch
- Principle 5: Recognition of aspirations of employees, colleagues and helpers in all matters of employment
Keywords & Terms
- Academic Integrity and/or Plagiarism
- Accountability
- Adequate and Responsible Reporting, Publication, and Dissemination
- Adequate Preparation
- Anti-Commercialization
- Avoid, Discourage, and Report Unethical and Illegal Activity
- Confidentiality
- Conflicts of Interest
- Conservation
- Continuity of Records
- Dishonesty, Exaggeration, Fraud, Deceit, and/or Misrepresentation
- Employer/Client Relationships
- Funding, Employment, and/or Compensation for Work
- Impact on Communities - Local, Descendant, etc.
- Integrity of Research Methodology and Field Procedures
- Intellectual Property
- International Law
- Local, State, Federal, and Tribal Laws
- Looting, Collecting, and Illicit Trade of Cultural Property
- Management of Cultural Resources, Heritage, History
- Ownership
- Permissions
- Preservation of Archaeological Resources
- Professional Qualification
- Professional Relationships and Communication
- Professional Standards
- Promotion of Archaeological Research/Archaeology as Scientific Discipline
- Protection and Non-Disclosure of Archaeological Sites
- Respect for and Responsibility to Affected Groups
- Standards of Data Collection, Recordation, Analysis
- Storage of Data, Specimens, and Records