Bibliographic Information
Montana Archaeological Society
Web Address (URL)
Montana Archaeological Society was created to: 1. to stimulate interest in and promote research into the archaeology of Montana, 2. to encourage increased public appreciation and involvement in this fascinating process, 3. to develop a bond among both professionals and non-professionals interested in Montana archaeology and to direct their efforts into scientific channels, and 4. to advocate and assist in the conservation and appreciation of archaeological sites and materials.
RPA Codes & Standards
- Appropriate Dissemination of Research
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to Colleagues, Employees, and Students
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to the Public
- Procedures for Field Survey or Excavation
CIfA Codes
- Principle 1: Adherence to ethical and responsible behaviour in archaeological affairs
- Principle 3: Responsibility for acquiring and recording reliable information of the past in archaeological research
- Principle 4: Responsibility for the availability of archaeological results within reasonable dispatch
Keywords & Terms
- Adequate and Responsible Reporting, Publication, and Dissemination
- Conservation
- General Archaeological Ethics
- Integrity of Research Methodology and Field Procedures
- Preservation of Archaeological Resources
- Professional Standards
- Promotion of Archaeological Research/Archaeology as Scientific Discipline
- Protection and Non-Disclosure of Archaeological Sites
- Public Interest, Collaboration, Education, and Outreach