Ethnographic Archaeologies: Reflections on Stakeholders and Archaeological Practices

Bibliographic Information


Ethnographic Archaeologies: Reflections on Stakeholders and Archaeological Practices


{Castañeda}, Quetzil, and Mathews, Christopher

Year of Publication


Publisher Name

AltaMira Press

Publisher Location

Lanham, Maryland

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Ethnographic archaeology has emerged as a form of inquiry into archaeological dilemmas that arise as scholars question older, more positivistic paradigms. Ethnographic Archaeologies describes diverse methods, objectives, and rationalities currently employed in the making of engaged and collaborative archaeological research.The contributors to this volume, for example, understand ethnographic archaeology variously as a means of critical engagement with heritage stakeholders, as the basis of public-policy debates, as a critical archaeological study of ethnic groups, as the study of what archaeology actually does (as opposed to what researchers often think they are doing) in excavations and surveys, and as a foundation for transnational collaborations among archaeologists. What keeps the term "ethnographic archaeology" coherent and relevant is the consensus among practitioners that they are embarking on a new archaeological path by attempting to engage the present directly and fundamentally.


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