Cultural Heritage Ethics: Between Theory and Practice

Bibliographic Information


Cultural Heritage Ethics: Between Theory and Practice


Sandis, Constantine

Year of Publication


Chapter Pages


Publisher Name

Open Book Publishers

Publisher Location

Cambridge, UK

Web Address (URL)

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Source Type

Edited Volume


I. Meaning and Memory
Culture, Heritage, and Ethics / Constantine Sandis
Poppy Politics: Remembrance of Things Present / James Fox
The Meaning of the Public in an Age of Privatisation / Benjamin Ramm

II. History and Archaeology
History as Heritage: Producing the Present in Post-War Sri Lanka / Nira Wickramasinghe
Looking at the Acropolis of Athens from Modern Times to Antiquity / William St Clair
South Asian Heritage and Archaeological Practices / Sudeshna Guha
The Ethics of Digging / Geoffrey Scarre

III. Ownership and Restitution
'National' Heritage and Scholarship / Sir John Boardman
Fear of Cultural Objects / Tom Flynn
Restitution / Sir Mark Jones

IV. Management and Protection
The Possibilities and Perils of Heritage Management / Michael F. Brown
Values in World Heritage Sites / Geoffrey Belcher
Safeguarding Heritage: From Legal Rights over Objects to Legal Rights for Individuals and Communities? / Marie Cornu


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