Conservation, Heritage Management, and the Ethics of Remote Sensing for Archaeology (Chapter 8)

Bibliographic Information


Conservation, Heritage Management, and the Ethics of Remote Sensing for Archaeology (Chapter 8)

Book Title

Satellite Remote Sensing for Archaeology


Parcak, Sarah H.

Year of Publication


Chapter Pages


Publisher Name


Publisher Location

New York, NY

Web Address (URL)

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Source Type

Book Chapter


Chapter abstract:

Remote sensing in archaeology should not be considered from the sole perspective of archaeological site location. Studying any features and landscape changes from space necessitates a broader perspective, and one that addresses long-term issues with global implications. “Preserve the past for future generations” is an oft-repeated message in archaeology, yet how does remote sensing fit into longer-term planning for site and feature preservation? It is a difficult question to address, especially considering how remote sensing has become a public activity with global participation possibilities. As remote sensing is at a crossroads of many fields and subfields, remote sensing analysis can detect the effects of tourism, development, and global warming at archaeological sites around the world. Natural and non-natural factors affect archaeological site preservation simultaneously. Archaeological remote sensing can detect both of these factors in tandem so archaeologists can plan future management strategies. This is not an easy task, and is becoming more difficult with rapid globalization, thus necessitating alternative strategies that should include local remote sensing training initiatives and better data sharing practices.


Additional tags: ethics of remote sensing; globalization; development; climate change; education; Google Earth; heritage management



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