Bibliographic Information
Contract Archaeology
Book Title
Research Outside the Academy
Isto Huvila and Lisa Boriesson
Year of Publication
Chapter Pages
Publisher Name
Palgrave Macmillan
Publisher Location
Web Address (URL)
Additional Information
Source Type
Book Chapter
The rapid expansion of contract archaeology as the primary sector of archaeological knowledge-making in many developed countries make it an illustrative example of which effects the organization and re-organization of a particular knowledge-producing sector affects the conditions for how knowledge can be made. The proliferation of contracted extra-mural work in different countries has shown the importance of adequate guidelines and careful consideration of how and what to regulate to reach desirable outcomes. In addition, contract archaeology provides insights into the difficulties of keeping together extra- and intra-mural knowledge-making enterprises even when they share the same outspoken objectives.
RPA Codes & Standards
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to Colleagues, Employees, and Students
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to Employers and Clients
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to the Public
CIfA Codes
- Principle 1: Adherence to ethical and responsible behaviour in archaeological affairs
- Principle 5: Recognition of aspirations of employees, colleagues and helpers in all matters of employment
Keywords & Terms
- Accountability
- Adequate and Responsible Reporting, Publication, and Dissemination
- Management of Cultural Resources, Heritage, History
- Professional Standards
- Standards of Data Collection, Recordation, Analysis