Advanced Archaeological Field Methods: A Practical Approach to Working With and Within Communities

Bibliographic Information

Course Title

Advanced Archaeological Field Methods: A Practical Approach to Working With and Within Communities

Institution Where Taught

Stanford University

Year Course Taught


Semester or Date Taught


Web Address (URL)

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Course Number


Course Description

This is a graduate level course (open to undergraduates with permission) in archaeological field methods at several archaeological and cultural sites in the San Francisco Bay area. This is a practical course designed to help students identify potential archaeological sites (using GIS) historical maps, historical archives and extant site reports. Students will gain hands-on experience with mapping, field survey and strategies and methods of field excavation. Study of local artifact types and lab techniques for artifact cleaning and identification and written analysis. The course emphasizes a community based model of archaeology, working with members of local indigenous cultures. The seminar will begin with readings and classroom instruction and proceed to the field. Students will be required to hike to field sites and conduct experiments using a variety of equipment, recording devices and strategies. Prerequisite, by instructor consent.

Syllabus Available



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