Bibliographic Information
Resource Title
Archaeology Law and Ethics (NPS)
Parent Organization
National Park Service
Web Address (URL)
This page provides descriptions of preservation laws in the United States, including the Antiquities Act, NHPA and AHPA, and NAGPRA, among others. They also provide a list of additional resources under each description.
Additional tags: Antiquties Act of 1906; Historical Sites Act of 1935; National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966; Archaeology and Preservation Act (AHPA) of 1974; Abandoned Shipwrecks Act (ASA) of 1987; Native American Graves Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) of 1990; Curation of Federally Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections (36 CFR 79)
RPA Codes & Standards
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to Colleagues, Employees, and Students
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to Employers and Clients
- Archaeologist's Responsibility to the Public
CIfA Codes
- Principle 1: Adherence to ethical and responsible behaviour in archaeological affairs
- Principle 4: Responsibility for the availability of archaeological results within reasonable dispatch
Keywords & Terms
- International Law
- Local, State, Federal, and Tribal Laws
- Management of Cultural Resources, Heritage, History
- Repatriation